Eco Christmas Tips
As an eco-circuit we would love it if people could prayerfully think about this Christmas season – which is a time of joy and celebration, but also sometimes of excess.
So here, in the Twelves Days of Christmas tradition are twelve tips for you to consider.
Buying online: try to use an ethical retailer, e.g. Ethical Superstore , The Green Turtle ,
Give pre-loved or home-made gifts
Make your own decorations (e.g. paper chains from old newspapers) and crackers (e.g. using kitchen roll centres and old wrapping paper – write your own jokes)
Wrapping gifts: re-use wrapping paper or gift bags, or use old fabric as wrapping; if buying new look for recycled paper that is glitter free. Instead of plastic sticking tape use ribbon or string, paper tape, address labels
Purchase Fairtrade gifts and food
Support charities by purchasing their new gifts
Food: consider whether you can cut down on meat, plus avoid plastic packaging for vegetables (and buy organic if you can)
Consider carefully how much to buy to reduce waste
Use Christmas lights carefully – use a timer if possible and try not to over-do outside lighting, use solar powered lighting if possible
Christmas cards: use old cards as gift tags, or recycle them by sticking paper over old card message pages
Recycle real Christmas trees, for example through Willow Wood Hospice
Make an eco-friendly New Year’s resolution .